Stairs are used on construction sites to facilitate communication between different levels.
The system comprises a base frame, intermediate module, exit step, or exit landing.
Staircases consist of flights connected by landings, creating a communication system for access across multiple floors. With a wide range of solutions available, it's possible to configure a versatile communication system. This includes hybrid systems that combine various types of industrial stairs.
The Mobilit system consists of galvanized mesh panels, an accessories system and stabilizing feet.
It is utilized in areas undergoing construction or roadwork, where hoarding fences are unnecessary.
TAS stairs made of steel are a solid construction of multiple possible uses. Establish a safe communication route for the construction workers at your investment / realisation.
Smart hoarding fences are recommended for the enclosure of construction areas, industrial areas and roads. With strong enclosed hoarding panels, they are especially suitable for difficult conditions, such as windy construction sites, or where they need to be continually moved.